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Information for Vets.

Soletech is an innovative agritech company dedicated to promoting a sustainable, efficient, and economical future in animal care. We are deeply committed to advocating for animal welfare and ethics, which are highly regulated in New Zealand under Part 6 of the Animal Welfare Act 1999.


Our goal is to prioritize animal health and welfare by continuously improving animal welfare standards. We recognize the value placed on animal welfare by our team, as well as domestic and international consumers who also hold high regard for how animals are treated.


By ensuring excellent animal welfare, we can improve the welfare of the people working with animals and achieve robust research outcomes. Soletech is proudly parented by AgResearch, one of New Zealand's largest Crown Research Institutes.


All research involving animals must be approved by our Animal Ethics Committee (AEC), which includes an animal welfare specialist, independent veterinarian, and lay member. The AEC only approves research when the potential benefits outweigh the potential harms and when no other reasonable methods are available.


SoleTech enthusiastically and voluntarily signed up to the Australian/New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching (ANZCAART) Openness Agreement on Animal Research and Teaching in New Zealand. We are committed to meeting best practice standards and upholding the 3R's: Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement.


We strive to replace animals whenever possible, reduce harm to animals, reduce the need for animals in research to the minimum necessary, and maximize the benefits of the research we conduct. By reviewing current practices internationally, we aim not only to achieve a positive research outcome but also to raise the bar for future research.

Related links

ANZCCART (Australian/New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching)

The ANZCAART Openness Agreement on Animal Research and Teaching in New Zealand

Ministry of Primary Industries - Animal Welfare

European Animal Research Association Transparency Agreements in Europe

Understanding Animal Research (UK)


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